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نموذج التقديم

خطوة 01 / 07

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    Prospective Student Details

    (All fields are mandatory)

    Sibling Information

    (All fields are mandatory)

    If yes, please give their details below

    If yes please mention name ofstudent and year he/she left Britus

    Current School Information

    (All fields are mandatory)

    Please enter the contact details of your child’s present school

    (if required, Britus will contact the previous school for further educational information)

    Please List All Previous Schools

    (All fields are mandatory)

    Parent/Guardian Information

    (All fields are mandatory)

    Please note that all correspondence from Britus is sent via email

    Payment of Tuition Fees

    Additional Information

    (All fields are mandatory)

    (e.g. Deceased parent/divorced/separated/adopted/others) If yes, please specify and provide official documents from a related government entity if applicable.

    If yes, please specify.

    If yes, please specify.

    If yes, please specify.

    If yes, please provide more details.

    Others, please specify

    The following documents should be included with this application:

    • A non-refundable application & assessment fee of BD25/per student

    • Student’s valid passport

    • Student’s valid CPR

    • Student’s Birth Certificate (in English or Arabic)

    • Student’s Vaccination Report

    • Four recent passport sized Photographs

    • Previous and Current Academic Year School Report (if applicable)

    • Letter of Good Conduct from previous school (if applicable)

    • Leaving Certificate from previous school

    • Transfer Letter from previous school

    • Father’s and Mother’s passport

    • Father’s and Mother’s valid CPR

    • COVID-19 Vaccination certificate for the student(s) and their immediate family (if applicable)

    International Students

    • The leaving certificate/Report Card, stamped by the Education Directorate and Foreign Affairs, from the country you are departing
    • Upon arrival to Bahrain, obtain a recommendation letter from the Private Education Directorate at the Ministry of Education endorsing the level of prior-learning.
    • An Equivalency letter will be issued by the Examination Department to determine the grade level of the student.

    Acceptance and registration may be dependent on an entry assessment to ensure Britus is able to support the learning requirements of your child.

    Parent/Guardian Information


    I have read, understood and agreed to the contents of this application form. It is understood that all required documents form part of the admission to the school and the statutory registration with the Ministry of Education; and that documents additionally required, not accompanying this Application Form, must be given to the Admissions Office as soon as possible.

    "I am aware that I will not be able to select a preferred teacher for my child. New students are allocated to classes according to EGIS policies. "

    Photographs of pupils at work, school outings and special events are included on the website and in publications. Including images of pupils on the school website and publications can be motivating for the pupils involved and provide a good opportunity to promote the work of the school. However, the school has a duty of care towards pupils which means that we would never include the full name of a pupil alongside an image. Most of the photographs show pupils in groups engaged in an activity. We will use photographs of all children registered in EGIS unless a parent registers an objection by signing this letter.

    Consent and Declaration

    Please note that the following consents are valid for the duration of time that your child attends Britus International School – Bahrain, unless you inform the school otherwise in writing or by telephoning the school nurse directly.

    As the parent/guardian of the child above I give my consent to the following:

    Consent for emergency treatment

    Should your child require prompt medical treatment you will be contacted and asked to collect your child from school. In the event of a serious emergency, an ambulance will be called immediately. You will be contacted and advised to meet at the hospital. I consent to my child receiving medical emergency care as advised by the licensed healthcare provider at the time.

    I consent that my child may receive the emergency care as outlined above.

    Consent for the administration of Paracetamol and First Aid

    In the event of your child developing discomfort from dental, menstruation, muscular or mild cold symptoms, without fever, the school nurser may, after assessment, wish to administer age-appropriate Paracetamol to your child. No alternative would be offered.

    Students with fever are referred home for care

    All students who receive medication are monitored and you will be duly notified of any new concerns

    Minor first aid treatments including topical application of antihistamine and antiseptic products

    I consent to my child being given Paracetamol and FirstAid, should it be considered necessary by the Licensed School Nurse.

    خطوة 01 / 07